Development roadmap
Last update: $Date: 2001/03/27 20:54:51 $.
This document provides a high-level view of what the Python/XML
developers plan to do with the package in the foreseeable future.
It also contains some tasks that are considered desirable, but for
which no one has yet assumed responsibility.
Responsible: Lars Marius Garshol.
- Develop a more complete test suite.
- Extend the pyexpat driver to support LexicalHandler and
- Fully develop the xmlproc driver.
- Fully develop the Java SAX driver.
Responsible: Lars Marius Garshol.
This is a collection of SAX-based utilities. To compile a more
complete list of what it will contain is the first task.
- SAX filters for XInclude and XBase support.
Responsible: Lars Marius Garshol.
- Move development to the PyXML CVS tree. This includes moving
the test suite.
- Release version 0.80 with updates for XML 1.0 2nd edition
compliance, better validator independence (from parser), better
location reporting and base sysid handling, Unicode support and
improved convenience APIs. It may be that there will be several
releases on the road to 0.80.
- Try to merge _read_char_ref and parse_charref.
XPath and XSLT
Responsible: Martin von Loewis.
It is planned to integrate 4XSLT and 4XPath into the PyXML package.
Responsible: Nobody, yet
- Make more passes over it to ensure completeness and correctness
- Add more demo programs
- Add more docstrings
- Greg Stein owes doc on qp_xml
Responsible: Nobody, yet
- Re-indent everything to 4-space indents
- Flesh out the test suite more
Responsible: Fred L. Drake, Jr.
- Update the XBEL demo and add a test suite