This section contains the entire public text of the XBEL DTD corresponding to the Formal Public Identifier presented in Section 1.4. No additional external entities are referenced.
<!-- This is the XML Bookmarks Exchange Language, version 1.0. It should be used with the formal public identifier: +//IDN XML Bookmark Exchange Language 1.0//EN//XML One valid system identifier at which this DTD will remain available is: More information the on the DTD, including reference documentation, is available at: Attributes which take date/time values should encode the value according to the W3C NOTE on date/time formats: --> <!-- Customization entities. Define these before "including" this DTD to create "subclassed" DTDs. --> <!ENTITY % local.node.att ""> <!ENTITY % local.url.att ""> <!ENTITY % local.nodes.mix ""> <!ENTITY % node.att "id ID #IMPLIED added CDATA #IMPLIED %local.node.att;"> <!ENTITY % url.att "href CDATA #REQUIRED visited CDATA #IMPLIED modified CDATA #IMPLIED %local.url.att;"> <!ENTITY % nodes.mix "bookmark|folder|alias|separator %local.nodes.mix;"> <!ELEMENT xbel (title?, info?, desc?, (%nodes.mix;)*)> <!ATTLIST xbel %node.att; version CDATA #FIXED "1.0" > <!ELEMENT title (#PCDATA)> <!--=================== Info ======================================--> <!ELEMENT info (metadata+)> <!ELEMENT metadata EMPTY> <!ATTLIST metadata owner CDATA #REQUIRED > <!--=================== Folder ====================================--> <!ELEMENT folder (title?, info?, desc?, (%nodes.mix;)*)> <!ATTLIST folder %node.att; folded (yes|no) 'yes' > <!--=================== Bookmark ==================================--> <!ELEMENT bookmark (title?, info?, desc?)> <!ATTLIST bookmark %node.att; %url.att; > <!ELEMENT desc (#PCDATA)> <!--=================== Separator =================================--> <!ELEMENT separator EMPTY> <!--=================== Alias =====================================--> <!-- <alias> elements correspond to Netscape bookmark aliases. The required "ref" attribute must refer to a <bookmark> or <folder> element. Note that MSIE aliases can refer to folders, so that is supported in XBEL. Applications must be careful about traversing aliases to folders to avoid improper recursion through circular data structures. --> <!ELEMENT alias EMPTY> <!ATTLIST alias ref IDREF #REQUIRED >